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  • Match the following animals with the corresponding weather pattern:

  • 1. moose                                          

  • 2. giraffe                                          

  • 3. buzzard                                       

  • 4. gorilla                                          

  • 5. lemur                                           

  • a.) sprinkle  b.) Nor’easter  c.) flurry  d.) balmy  e.) black ice

  • Research the foggiest cities on the planet, and find out their estimated cat populations. Write an argument about whether or not you think, from the data you collected, that cats cause fog.

  • Everyone knows that cats have claws, and that fog does not. If fog did have claws, however, what steps could government climatologists take to stop it from shredding the city and harbor?

  • Cats are traditionally thought of as harbingers of disaster. Fog is often blamed for causing car accidents. Phone the toll-free number of an insurance company that advertises during your favorite “who’s the real daddy?”-type daytime talk shows and ask the person who answers the company’s policy on cats. Present your findings in a lovely PowerPoint presentation.

  • This six-line poem has twenty-one words. Compare it to your favorite, “normal,” poem. Which one gives you more “bang for the buck”? Which one is easier to comprehend? In your opinion, which author is lazier, and why?

Fog study questions: Intro
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